my nits

Martijn van Beers writes:
 > hi,
 > here are my questions/nits about bonobo as promised :)
 > * there's still gnome-*.idl files in the idl dir ;)

    This is fixed in my last commit.

 > * open_stream in Bonobo::Storage has a mode parameter, but the relevant
 > functions in Bonobo::Stream don't have exceptions to signal that
 > you don't have permission for that operation.

    Exceptions added in my last commit.  I don't actually throw them
anywhere, though.  Patches welcome.  Miguel's idea of passing around a 
CORBA_Environment is probably a good one.

 > * I still think it would be nice if you could get the BonoboObject
 > pointer for an interface from another BonoboObject when they are
 > _add_interface()ed together.

    There is indeed currently no way to do this.  Here's a patch that
implements it; people usually jump on QI patches like ravenous dogs
(plus this one has some problems), so I figured I'd post it here
before committing.  Oops, I just committed it.  Oh well.  Check out


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