definition of storage


GnoCam now ships with a storage module "libstorage_camera". This module
handles streams (read/write) and deletion of storages (= files on the
memory card of your digital camera). 

While trying to implement upload, I realized that I can't simply use
Bonobo_Storage_copyTo as the fs-storage-module refuses to create a
storage out of a file. It only accepts directories. That raises the
question: What is a storage? 

You can erase storages, you can't erase streams. Therefore, I would
guess that storages correspond to both files _and_ directories. Am I
right? Then, someone should fix the fs-storage-module.

Thank you!


+------------------------------------------------+      (o o)
| Lutz Müller            +49 (7156) 34837        +---ooO-(_)-Ooo---+
|                                                                  |
| Hans-Sachs-Straße 5                                              |
| 71254 Ditzingen |
| Germany                urc8 rz uni-karlsruhe de                  |

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