Re: Some questions on using OAFAID

On 5 Dec 2000, Mathieu Lacage wrote:

> > I have a CORBA server and client running on separate physical machines. I would
> > like the client to activate a server object by query, similar to:
> To get OAF to activate distant servers, you need to register a distant ObjectDirectory
> with your local ActivationContext. I do not think there is any code right now to help
> you do that but to do so, I would suggest writing raw CORBA code and hack oafd on the
> distant machine so that it prints somewhere the IOR of its local ObjectDirectory...
> I would be happy to help with this if you have time: just join on irc:
> #nautilus, my nickname is 'mathieu'. Perhaps we can even get around to design an API
> to ease this kind of details in liboaf....

gnome-libs HEAD tries to do this automatically (untested).

The main problem is that there is no really simple way to run a program on
a remote machine and get stdin/stdout for it. I don't really support
putting this into OAF itself, due to this problem.

-- Elliot
"The Pythagorean Theorem employed 24 words, the Lord's Prayer has 66 words,
Archimedes Principle has 67 words, the 10 Commandments have 179 words, the
Gettysburg Address had 286 words, the Declaration of Independence, 1,300 words and
finally the European Commission's regulation on the sale of cabbage: 26,911 words."

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