Re: gnome_wrapper

Miguel de Icaza <> writes:

> > Just a small easy question today:
> > How am i supposed to use the gnome_wrapper widget ?
> > 
> > The folowing code does not work and i understand that 
> > 	  window = gnome_wrapper_new ();
> > 	  gnome_wrapper_set_covered (GNOME_WRAPPER(window),
> > 				     TRUE);
> > 	  gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER(window), 
> > 			     socket);
> What is failing with that?  Did you do gtk_widget_show on the window
> and the socket?
> > However, i don't understand how i am supposed to use it.
> > I want to inactivate a widget under a cover in normal gtk.
> Yes, you can do this.  Just dont forget to gtk-widget-show it.

Well, i had not realized the widget which was a real pain to find
as the GDK_WINDOW_XWINDOW macro was used directly in a call to
a function and it segfaulted on the call.

Lesson: never do it again: use variables to store your
stuff before using it !!!! The compiler optimizations will make this diseapear...


Mathieu Lacage 
Snailmail: ch 224, 212 Rue de Tolbiac 75013 Paris

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