Re: bonobo bug? Help needed

On Thu, 18 Nov 1999, Dietmar Maurer wrote:

> > > Is someone able to reproduce that delay?
> >
> > Are you running on some operating system that does not have a /dev/random?
> >
> > The ORBit in CVS needs to be able to get truly random numbers. The
> > portable implementation plays with setitimer() etc. in order to generate
> > these, and creating each new object requires these random numbers, so at
> > least on my system creating objects using this portable genrand
> > implementation requires around 50ms.
> I'm talking about a 20s delay (not ms)

Can you strace it with the -T flag, and find out what is taking so long?

-- Elliot
Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons,
for you are crunchy and good with ketchup. 

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