RE: Bonobo 0.1 release plans.

> Why do we have to rename this at all?
> "component" is definitely a misnomer for an interface with those
> particular three methods.

In COM, every object exposes those three methods with `IUnknown'; ie,
_every_ COM component has those three methods. If all COMponents have those
three methods, why not just make those three methods part and parcel of a
`component' interface? Remember that bonobo, and the
ref/unref/query_interface combo, are being derived from OLE.

> It'd be nice to use "object", but "obj" works.

Have you tried explaining `obj's to a layman? Miguel just gave a talk in
Paris, where (onstage) he faced the annoying task of explaining what an
`obj' is, and how that might differ from a CORBA object.

Language is half the battle in programming, and we have to get it right.

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