Re: Orbit Development

Dick Porter wrote:
> On Thu, May 14, 1998 at 09:41:46AM +0100, Phil Dawes wrote:
> >
> > 1) Who is currently working on orbit?
> Currently, myself and Elliot Lee. I've been working on the ORB parts, Elliot
> has been tackling the IIOP transport.

Oh good. I wasn't sure if it was being actively developed or not. (I
haven't got CVS access because I'm behind a firewall, and I've only just
discovered Jim Picks snapshot page.)

> >
> > 2) Does anybody have a strategy for developing Orbit in tandem with
> > Mico? The problem I see is that writing an orb from scratch with all the
> > stuff we want in it is a mammoth undertaking - I was hoping that we
> > might be able to do it a bit at a time, covering the missing
> > functionality with Mico as we go.
> I dont think its feasible to try and incorporate large chunks of MICO code.
> One of the aims of ORBit is to have a small, fast, efficient ORB, which is
> why we are writing it in C. We also want a set of C CORBA bindings. Linking
> in large chunks of C++ seems to me to be the opposite of the design goal.

Fair enough. But we might be able to use the corba interfaced lumps,
like the interface repository, naming service and implementation
repository. That wouldn't require linking C++ with the client.

> On the other hand, I have been keeping MICO compatibility in mind while
> writing code. I want to see MICO objects and ORBit objects being freely
> interchangable, so that those who want to write CORBA code in C++ for Gnome
> will be catered for by MICO.

Hmmm... that might be tricky because Mico doesn't support the POA

> >
> > 3) I've had a look at Idea-1 in the Orbit CVS tree about avoiding
> > marshalling for in-proc objects. Does this mean that all client stubs
> > have to talk through a structure of pointers? Otherwise how does the
> > object adaptor substitute the marshalling functions for the 'real'
> > object once it decides that both objects are in the same address space.
> This is Elliot's idea for optimising the shared library-style objects.
> Elliot will have to fill in the details, but I think the idea is to compute
> the function pointers once at invocation time, rather than at every method
> call. For remote objects, I assume the same pointers will just call IIOP
> marshalling routines.

Ah good. This is how mico and omniorb do it with C++, except the
function pointers are implicitly generated by the C++ compiler as
Vtables, which can be hot-swapped at runtime because they both inherit
from the same base class.

> >
> > 4) Flick currently doesn't support 'Typecode' and 'Any', which means
> > flick clients cannot talk to an interface repository (amongst other
> > things). Are there any plans to integrate this into the compiler? (I've
> > also mailed flick-users about this)
> I think we should use the marshalling code from Flick. Whether we leave it
> wrapped in the whole flick compiler, or write our own compiler around it is
> still undecided. Whatever happens, we will need an IDL compiler that supports
> Any and TypeCode.

Do we loose the speed of flick if we drop the compiler? I thought that
its ability to dynamically generate optimised marshalling code on a
per-context basis was what set it apart from other idl compilers. (I
might have misunderstood what you meant here)

> >
> > 5) Is it possible to de-couple the object adaptor from the orb core so
> > that they can be written in parallel? I was thinking along the lines of
> > writing a shared library adaptor which wouldn't need the marshalling or
> > transport functionality. Does the portable object adaptor spec allow us
> > to do this?
> Theres nothing stopping it being implemented in parallel now, except for
> finding someone to do it :-) The current orb library has a complete (I think)
> set of CORBA v2.2 stubs, most of which assert(!"Not yet implemented");. If
> you want to do some coding, pick a module and code it!

I've got a bit of understanding to do first, but I'll be back.

> >
> > 6) I've used FNorb to successfully communicate to the Mico interface
> > repository and invoke methods on client objects through IIOP. Can we
> > de-couple the marshalling code from the iiop transport to allow objects
> > in other languages to be loaded into the same address space as C objects
> > and talk without requiring IIOP overhead.
> > (I might have misused the word 'transport' - I'm not that familiar with
> > the inner workings of an orb core)
> I dont understand - so long as the calling sequence matches, it doesnt
> matter what the implementation language is to a shared library.

Ah right. You're reaching the boundaries of my knowledge when talking
about shared libraries with other languages. I'll come back when I've
done some reading.



 Phil Dawes                               |   My opinions are my own
 WWW:    err.. temporarily non-existant   |   and nothing to do with
 Email:           |      my employer.

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