Re: component architecture

Miles> The JavaBean InfoBus specification
Miles> ( may be
Miles> interesting to look at for design ideas. As I understand it, it
Miles> enables separate JavaBean objects to register as listeners for
Miles> particular events, even if they know nothing of each other at
Miles> the code level. Seems like the pattern would extend well to a
Miles> desktop event service.

Thanks.  I skimmed through this (too quickly).

The general idea of separating event sources and sinks is already
handled by the CORBA event stuff.  Basically our event manager will be
what CORBA calls an event channel.  Other objects can register event
sources and sinks with the channel without knowledge of who else is

The spec also seems to include lots of predefined event types.  This
looks pretty interesting.

There's also a lot more stuff in there that I didn't read.  It is
quite large.  If somebody familiar with it would like to give an
overview of the scope of the thing, I'd appreciate it.  Otherwise I'll
just add it to my growing list of stuff I should read sometime.


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