Re: Calibration targets for scanner / Calibration of CUPS color laser printer (follow-up)

Le dimanche 26 septembre 2010 à 12:22 +0200, Pascal de Bruijn a écrit :
> It's possible using the argyll commandline tools, but most people
> consider it useless... I haven't tried it myself... 

Basically, I would like to calibrate the scanner using a target print.

To calibrate the screen, I plan to scan again the target and display the
calculated colors and the scanned target. Then I can adjust manually so
that colors are the same. Maybe Gnome-Color-Manager should be able to
find the correction.

So my question is, technically, what do we gain from using a
spectrometer over scanning a target. Are there huge differences over the
two methods?

Kind regards,
                  Jean-Michel Pouré - Gooze -

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