GNOME Color Manager 2.31.1

Richard Hughes hughsient at
Thu May 6 14:05:36 UTC 2010

gnome-color-manager is a session program that makes it easy to manage, install
and generate color profiles in the GNOME desktop.

Version 2.31.1
Released: 2010-05-06

* Translations
 - Added Japanese translation (Ryo Fujita)
 - Added Punjabi Translation (A S Alam)
 - Added Ukrainian translation (Maxim V. Dziumanenko)
 - Updated British English translation (Bruce Cowan)
 - Updated German translation (Mario Blättermann)
 - Updated Italian translation (Francesco Groccia)
 - Updated Lithuanian translation (Aurimas Černius)
 - Updated Norwegian bokmål translation (Kjartan Maraas)
 - Updated Polish translation (Piotr Drąg)
 - Updated Portuguese translation (António Lima)
 - Updated Slovenian translation (Andrej Žnidaršič)
 - Updated Spanish translation (Jorge González)

* New Features:
 - Use a new application icon (Hylke Bons)
 - Add an experimental gcm-picker program to read spot colors (Richard Hughes)
 - Show much more detail in the color picker UI and allow the user to
choose a RGB colorspace (Richard Hughes)
 - Show the EISA ID in the devices tab. Fixes rh#581837 (Richard Hughes)

* Bugfix:
 - Clean up the temporary file created by cupsGetPPD2(). Fixes
rh#582202 (Tim Waugh)
 - Do not connect to sane in gcm-apply, we only need XRandR devices.
Fixes rh#585723 (Richard Hughes)
 - Do not explode when viewing the details of a CMYK profile (Richard Hughes)
 - Do not rely on an argyllcms specially patched to fix the arg[0]
problem (Richard Hughes)
 - Don't prompt the user to calibrate the device again if we are
re-using the GcmCalibrate instance (Richard Hughes)
 - Fix up the argyll install dialog. Fixes #616106 (Richard Hughes)
 - Fix up the profile precision dialog. Fixes #583398 (Richard Hughes)
 - Make gcm-fix-profile open the profile from memory, as then we can
catch common access permission errors (Richard Hughes)
 - Make SANE support configurable at compile time. Fixes #616826
(Richard Hughes)
 - Offer to install shared-color-profiles-extra if it is not yet
installed (Richard Hughes)


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