Re: Building a library of ICC profiles

On Fri, Feb 12, 2010 at 12:14 PM, Richard Hughes <hughsient gmail com> wrote:
> On 12 February 2010 10:54, Pedro Côrte-Real <pedro pedrocr net> wrote:
>> Is there any package that collects free (as in speech) ICC profiles? I
>> see that Pascal's PPA has one printer, one camera and two or three
>> displays. Are these just the ones you did yourself Pascal?
> There's which may be
> of interest to you.

Those profiles are mostly for my private use...

The camera profiles are probably generally usable though...

>> I'd be more than happy to add the profiles I've been doing for the
>> printer and monitor to some repository so that users without a
>> calibration instrument can just use a profile from the library. I
>> already have profiles for a Dell U2410 and an Epson R2880 with Glossy
>> Epson paper. I'll be adding more papers to that too.
> I'm not so sure submitting user-generated profiles makes so much
> sense, I mean, your Epson R2880 probably has a quite different
> response to my (hypothetical) Epson R2880.

One big problem with printer profiles are driver setttings, since
profiles are also
very specific to driver settings...

I have no clue on how to solve that... Ideally you'd want the printer
settings to be
embedded in the profile.

> If people think this is a good idea, I'd be wiling to set something
> like this up, as lets face it, a profile that is 3% off correct is
> better than no profile at all.

Yeah sortof...

>> One thing I
>> haven't done yet is profiling my camera. How is that done and what is
>> the benefit? I have a Sony A700 DSLR.
> That's something you really want to do. We probably want to add a
> whole load of text in the help file in how to do this (sunny day, etc)
> but using GCM the process itself should be pretty easy.

I wrote about this here:

Though the article is dated, and should be revised... I did make a few
new discoveries...

For example, I only recently noticed that strobes actually work well
as reference light for generic profiles...

I'm probably going to do a new blog post over the weekend...

Here are some generic tips van raw photography with UFRaw in general:

Most of it should apply to other dcraw based applications as well.

Pascal de Bruijn

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