Wine 1.6 即将发布, 征集翻译志愿者 Fwd: Ca ll for Translators

Hi all,

Wine 1.6 将在几周内发布,欢迎翻译志愿者,尤其是繁体中文和简体中文的繁体中文的翻译者积极参与 ^_^



建议翻译志愿者加入 邮件列表协调中文翻译.


本邮件同时抄送多个活跃的中文社区,主要是想多吸引一些不同地方的朋友来参与,给重复收到邮件的朋友说一声抱歉打扰了!这样的邮件一两年只会发送一次,见谅 :)


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Francois Gouget <fgouget free fr>
Date: Sun, Jun 16, 2013 at 8:26 AM
Subject: Call for Translators
To: wine-devel winehq org, wine-users winehq org

With the advent of PO files, Wine went from 12 good translations in the
pre-1.4 days to 20 now. What's even more encouraging is that there are
an extra 6 translations that are already half done. So can we reach 26
translations in time for Wine 1.6? More?

So I'm calling on all translators of good will to review, refresh,
complete or even start new Wine translations. You will find instructions
to get started there:

And just as for Wine 1.4 you can track the translations status here:

This site also collects reports about potential translation issues:
 * Mismatched printf format specifiers. (Note that these can cause Wine
 * Mismatched trailing ellipsis.
 * Other mismatched trailing punctuation like full stop, question mark,
   space, etc.
 * Mismatched line feeds, trailing or not.
 * Spaces followed by line feeds.
 * Untranslated strings.

Obviously some of these result in false positives. For instance
'Document' is written exactly the same in English and in French so to
the script it will look like it was not translated. If you send me the
corresponding error lines I'll make sure they are ignored by putting
them in an 'ignore' file. This way the next translator looking things
over won't have to skip over all these false positives.

Francois Gouget <fgouget free fr>    
             Theory is where you know everything but nothing works.
            Practice is where everything works but nobody knows why.
      Sometimes they go hand in hand: nothing works and nobody knows why.

Qian Hong


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