Mobile Stock List 26.11.2012

Dear Sir/Madam


Please see attached our current stock list. If you would like to place an order the easiest way in which this can be done is that you highlight any models you are interested in and I will produce an order.


Looking forward to forming a business relationship with you.



Lemuel Bailey
(Sales Department)

The only thing we can’t recycle is time.
Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: F-logo1 copy

Momobile Worldwide Limited

Lombard Business Park, Lombard Road, Wimbledon, London, SW19 3TZ, United Kingdom

Tel:  0208 540 2268
Fax: 0207 692 4613
Mob: 0044 (0)7553 879 682
Intl: +44 208 540 2268

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Attachment: Current Stock List.xlsx
Description: Current Stock List.xlsx

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