
非常抱歉, 第二位演讲者的名字为: 李彬。 (我之前误写为李斌)



在 2011年5月5日 下午3:41,Emily Chen <emilychen522 gmail com>写道:
hi 各位,

GNOME 3.0在北京已举办过两次活动, 第三次party活动即将在5月10日周二晚上的BLUG聚会上举办. 同时在活动结束后我们将会组织一次基于OpenSUSE的install-fest. 届时会以DVD或USB方式来进行安装。

  • Time: 19:00
  • Date: Tuesday, May 10th, 2011
  • Location: Traktirr Russian Restaurant, 5-15 DonZhiMen NeiDaJie
  • Phone: 8407-8158
  • Map: here
  • Subway: 东直门 (DongZhiMen) Line 2 and Line 13 (+ 3 minutes walk West) OR 北新桥 (BeiXinQiao) Line 5 (+ 10 minutes walk East)
  • Bus: 东直门内 (DongZhiMen Nei) at Beijing Public Transport OR Google Maps

话题一: 手把手教你写GNOME shell扩展
演讲者: 程大龙
Cheng Dalong is currently Software Engineer at Oracle's Research and Development Centre in Beijing and his presentation is titled "Head First to GNOME Shell 3.0". Apart from covering the new features of GNOME 3.0 he will also introduce the philosophy behind the design. In 2010 Dalong received his bachelor in Computer Science from Beihang University and also successfully completed a project for Google Summer of Code. Cheng Dalong's presentation is available here.

话题二: Open SUSE & GNOME 3 新特性
演讲者: 李彬

Bin Li In the second part of the meeting, Bin Li from Novell China will present one of the current distributions offering GNOME 3 by default, OpenSUSE, and all the goodies that come with it. Bin Li has been working in Novell China RD since April 2007 and maintains a couple of VPN-related packages for the distribution, as well as co-maintains the NetworkManager and avahi packages in openSUSE. Bin Li is also translator of http://cn.opensuse.org/ in Simplified Chinese.

欢迎参加下周的GNOME3 第三次在北京的party。 


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