
Hi 大家好,

下周二8月9日的BLUG聚会上讲会邀请到来自台湾的Pingooo。 他是COSCUP的创始人之一。 关于COSCUP, 一直跟GNOME社区有着紧密的合作。 2010年GNOME.Asia和COSCUP曾联合举办过大会, 今年的的COSCUP大会, GNOME基金会也派出了数位GNOME资深开发者和董事会总监到COSCUP交流。

大家可以借这个机会跟Pingooo聊聊, 更好的了解COSCUP以及GNOME在台湾的发展。

Date: Tuesday, August 9th, 2011
Location: Traktirr Russian Restaurant, 5-15 DonZhiMen NeiDaJie
Phone: 8407-8158
Map: here
Subway: 东直门 (DongZhiMen) Line 2 and Line 13 (+ 3 minutes walk West) OR 北新桥 (BeiXinQiao) Line 5 (+ 10 minutes walk East)
Bus: 东直门内 (DongZhiMen Nei) at Beijing Public Transport OR Google Maps

Then contributor, organizer and already famous for attending a BLUG Tuesday last year, Pingooo will tell us more about COSCUP, the Conference for Open Source Coders, Users and Promoters, largest of the kind and community run in Taiwan. While some of us attended the 2010 edition which was co-hosted with GNOME.Asia Pingooo will explain us how it started, how the Taiwanese community manages to run it every year and constantly find new blood to mix with the old one to constantly grow the event to what it has become today. This year event is happening on August 20 and 21 and while registration is already full, we are confident that attending BLUG members can exchange a few beers against black market registration passes!


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