[Fwd: Re: Invitation to Chilean Conference]

Adjunto respuesta de Nat
Fernando San Martín Woerner
Jefe de Informática
Galilea S.A. http://www.galilea.cl/

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--- Begin Message ---

Hi Fernando,

Thank you very much for the invitation!  Unfortunately I am pretty busy
in November this year and won't be able to make it.  I hope you can find
someone good!


On Fri, 2006-07-14 at 18:31 -0400, Fernando San Martín Woerner wrote:
> Dear Nat:
> The user group of GNOME Chile is organizing the event "Day of GNOME" 
> which will be during VII Chilean Linux Conference, as members of GNOME 
> community we would like to have you in our activities between days 9 and 
> 11 of November. This first contact is for knowing your availability in 
> the indicated dates and your interest in visiting our country.
> Regards
> -- 
> Fernando San Martín Woerner
> GNOME Foundation Member
> Chilean GNOME Day coordinator

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--- End Message ---
fn;quoted-printable:Fernando San Mart=C3=ADn Woerner
n;quoted-printable:San Mart=C3=ADn Woerner;Fernando
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