Re: [gnome-cat] [guadec-list] Spare T-Shirts

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Hello Baris,

sorry for my delay replying to you, I have been some days on holidays
and also distracted on too many things :). I forward your petition to
GNOME-CA and we will try to see if we can provide you some of them.


En/na Baris Cicek ha escrit:
> Hi Toni; 
> Are there any bags left? :) If so can you make 10-20 bags shipped to my
> shipping address? Or can you please pass this e-mail to someone
> responsible with this in GNOME-ES or GNOME-CA?
> I'll cover the shipping expenses if necessary. If t-shirts are
> unfinished still :) well I won't push my chance on that. 
> On Thu, 2006-07-06 at 17:24 +0200, Toni Hermoso Pulido wrote:
> Hello Baris,
> AFAIK, the T-shirts are really scarce by now; however, I think there are
>  a considerable amount of bags.
> For GNOME-CA, all this stuff was sent to UPC university for a FOSS
> Catalan conference. I must go there one day and check how many of them
> are left. If you provide some info about where to send them, we might
> try to provide you some.
> Cheers,
> En/na Baris Cicek ha escrit:
>>>> Hi all; 
>>>> First thanks everyone for such a great GUADEC. 
>>>> But it finished and when I came back, I sent a message to mailing list
>>>> of Turkish GNOME User Group, and told them I got some t-shirts to give
>>>> out for some trivial contributors of GNOME Turkey. Outcome was much more
>>>> than I expected. 
>>>> What I'm wondering is that, can some GNOME-ES guys, if they have some
>>>> spare t-shirts, send us some t-shirts and bags? We will cover the
>>>> shipping expenses. Is that possible? We don't need that much t-shirts
>>>> actually not more than 5-7 GNOME t-shirts. So I hope that would be OK
>>>> for
>>>> GNOME-ES or GNOME-CA. Doesn't it? 
>>>> I would be really glad, if someone inform me about this. 
> --
> * Toni Hermoso Pulido
> ------------------------------------------------------
>    web:
>  email: toniher softcatala org
>    gpg: B67B43DC
> planet:
> ------------------------------------------------------

- --
* Toni Hermoso Pulido
- ------------------------------------------------------
 email: toniher softcatala org
   gpg: B67B43DC
- ------------------------------------------------------
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