Re: Forward of moderated message


Thank you for your answer Georges.

I am not actually interested on the Google Summer of Code project and
I have recently discovered that there is another person working on
this subject. Since I don't want to interfere and do the same work
twice, I will look for another project where I could be helpful.

Best regards,

2017-02-14 20:14 GMT+01:00 Georges Basile Stavracas Neto
<georges stavracas gmail com>:

Recurrency is something we definitely want for GNOME Calendar 3.26.
Actually, this feature is proposed as a Google Summer of Code project, and
hopefully a skilled student will take it over.

We have mockups for recurrency already:

It'll basically require implementing the feature in the backend, and then
adding the UI to manage the recurrency.

Let me know what you think.

Em seg, 13 de fev de 2017 às 09:02, <gnome-calendar-list-bounces gnome org>

I forgot to attach the pictures from evolution. Here they are.

Best regards,

2017-02-13 11:29 GMT+01:00 Iñigo Martínez <inigomartinez gmail com>:

I have recently been using gnome-calendar and looking at its source
code, because I have been looking for code from some real use cases of
evolution-data-server and libical libraries. It has improved a lot
since the last time I used it, the UI is clean and nice, and it almots
fits all my needs, but I'm missing two features:

 1. Discarding changes on edit: Event edit dialog have a Cancel button
on it, but it doesn't discard some changes (for example, the alarms).
 2. Full recurrent event support: I have seen that there are some
opened bugs[0][1][2] regarding recurrent events support, but
gnome-calendar is still lacking this feature.

Regarding recurrent event support, I have been working a little bit on
this and I have some preliminary code, but it needs some UI design
also. You can find two screenshots of evolution regarding recurrent
rules and the selection of the scope of the changes in them (also
pointed in one of the bugs[3]).

I may be able to work on this and I have some ideas on how to add
support for both features, but I would need some indications about the
proper way of doing so.

Looking forward to hearing from you,

Best regards,


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