Requirements for bugsquad team for alternatives to Bugzilla/cgit

Hello Bugsquad team,

I'm trying to writte down the requirements of the bugsquad team regarding git repository and issue tracker, in the context on evaluating possible alternatives to cgit and Bugzilla. Could someone help on this and write down what are the requirements and workflow the bugsquad need to have?
You can write it hereĀ

We are focusing on your current needs and not regress on those, but you can add a section that is "nice to have" and we will take that into account too.

You can write it in prosa, an example would be "In an upcoming release, we need to make sure blockers are seen by maintainers. For that, we mark a milestone for those bug reports, and we search across projects for those blockers. Then we update the bug report to "ping" the maintainer"

It will be very appreciated if we can have something for this week if possible.

Carlos Soriano

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