Re: Power to create new Bugzilla products

On Thu, Aug 12, 2010 at 11:45:44PM +0200, Christian Kirbach wrote:
> Am Donnerstag, den 22.07.2010, 11:03 +0100 schrieb Philip Withnall:
> > I've been pushing for bgo#624419 to be fixed for a week now, since I'm
> > working on libfolks with Travis Reitter, and collaboration would be a
> > whole lot easier with a Bugzilla product.
> > 
> > Unfortunately, nothing has happened. I'm told that only ovitters and
> > nazgul have the power to create new Bugzilla products, and I haven't
> > seen either of them on #bugs all week.
> > 
> > This seems silly to me; why don't more people in the bugsquad have the
> > power to create new Bugzilla products? bgo#623989 has been waiting for

Easy: Nobody asked for such abilities.

Though keep in mind that product creation requires full bugmaster
abilities (these are needed to create the @gnome.bugs aliases). So I
won't hand them out to just anyone.

> > almost two weeks without an answer. If ovitters and nazgul don't have
> > the time or availability to handle such requests for new products, it's
> > clear that more people need to be given the power.

Usually product creation takes 1, perhaps 2 weeks. I never create these,
only nazgul does. I don't mind an additional person creating products,
but to be honest, I don't see 1 or 2 weeks as a major problem.

Bugzilla products are created based of the *need* to manage the bugs.
Meaning: I find it pretty early to request such a product immediately
after adding a module to

This said, I want to repeat that I'm fine with adding another person.

> But I am trying to fulfill new product requests as quickly as possible.
> They should not remain untouched longer than one or two weeks.
> As every volunteer my spare time is limited and whenever I am away
> for some time (like vacation etc.) requests may linger for a while.

This is really appreciated. I love not having to create products :-)

> I do not know if there is any additional volunteer for this job, but
> I'd be happy to teach someone how to do it.
> I'd rather have Olav consent on this first.

I'm ok depending on who is suggested.


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