Fwd: [gnome.org #8178] merging two bugzilla accounts

Following Christian's reference I'm forwarding this on.
Hope this time I got the right address for this request...

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Christian Rose via RT <accounts gnome org>
Date: Sun, Feb 1, 2009 at 12:17 AM
Subject: [gnome.org #8178] merging two bugzilla accounts
To: aronovitch gmail com

Vid Tis. Jan. 20 20:26:41 2009, skrev aronovitch gmail com:
> Hi,
>  I have two accounts on your bugzilla system:
> aronovitch gmail com (current mail address) and amitar1 yahoo com (an
> older email address, which I still have access to but hardly use).
>  I wish to merge them, so I can view all my issues when I follow the
> "My bugs and patches" search link.
> (I cannot add the older email to my new account or the other way
> around, because system says that an account for this email already
> exists. I do not know how to delete an account, and I wouldn't want to
> lose the "points" associated with the deleted account anyways).
>   thanks,
>      Amit Aronovitch

Sorry, Bugzilla account issues aren't handled by us. Please contact the
bugsquad -- see http://live.gnome.org/Bugsquad for contact details.


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