a call for bugdays.

dear friends of the revolution,

i think everybody will agree that we need a bugdays revival?

in fear of getting another[1] bugflood in april and may (Ubuntu 7.04:
19/04/2007, Fedora Core 7: 24/05/2007), we should try to be attractive
(i'm already wearing my sexiest skirt today ;-P) and get more people
into triaging.
for most of us triaging is just fun, but (to me) it definitely was not
fun anymore in those days when ubuntu 6.10 and fedora core 6 hit the
streets at the same time. :-/

this means:
      * finding willing bugsquaders and a date that most of us can agree
        with. i propose a few days after the release of GNOME 2.18.0 on
        march 14th. please also provide a basic idea of the hours (in
        UTC) in which you could be available, just that we know how many
        hours we can set this up for. see [2] for a timezone converter.
        we do need people around on irc to show interested newbies how
        to triage and how to get involved. the more, the better.
      * update (restructure?) http://live.gnome.org/Bugsquad/BugDays .
        if i would be potentially interested, the page does not look
        like something that i would like to read. let's also link to
        http://live.gnome.org/JoinGnome so contribution-interested
        people realizing that triaging isn't their passion can get an
        idea of other opportunities how to give some love back to
      * http://developer.gnome.org/projects/bugsquad/ could either be
        updated or eliminated (depending on how far the GNOME.org revamp
        plans for 2.18 can be realized, see marketing-list and [3]).
      * send an email to bugsquad, gnome-love, gnome-list and inform the
        marketing list - perhaps we can get somebody to make a banner
        for www.gnome.org (i have some people in mind here, but asking
        for this on the marketing-list seems more appropriate), which
        will have many visits right after the 2.18.0 release.
      * perhaps we should prepare a field or a set of bugs that people
        can work with (a nice bugzilla query URL)? anybody having an
        idea or something in mind?

if this is successful, we can hopefully get this on a regular basis


[1] http://blogs.gnome.org/attachment/aklapper/2006/11/29/0/bug-chart.png
[2] http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html
[3] http://desdeamericaconamor.org/blog/node/332

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