...long time no showstopper review, eh? :-) now what's that? an introduction to showstopper reviews is available at http://live.gnome.org/Bugsquad/ShowstopperReviews . i would like to do a review in the next days and hereby ask the bugsquadders about important bugs they have seen in the last months or whatever comes to their mind that MUST get fixed for 2.22 (i'm not talking about a wishlist, but about the worst problems we have). the following bugs are currently marked as showstoppers: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/buglist.cgi?query=meta-status:open,needinfo+gnome-target%3E=2.22.x so far i used the duplicates.cgi page to identify the worst crashers, but we should also start to list the worst non-crasher issues. for example, above list now also includes 504445 (epiphany changes required due to changes in mozilla), 213072 (evolution's famous sync error with 86 duplicates so far). i wonder whether i should also add 494037 - to me it's a highly visible bug, but perhaps i'm wrong...? and i've added 56070 already, what do you think? any more bug reports that come to your mind? gimme some feedback! thanks, andrej -- mailto:ak-47 gmx net | failed http://www.iomc.de/ | http://blogs.gnome.org/aklapper
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