Allowing anonymous users to submit crashers via bug-buddy: Yes/No?

The XML-RPC post by fer showed a Bug-Buddy which didn't ask for any
information (steps to reproduce or an email address). See

I'm against allowing anonymous users to submit crasher bugs. Mainly
because I fear this will cause a huge increase in workload, without
providing clear benefits (you might have one or two good bugs, but do
not believe it is worth it). My opinion is that bugs will always be
filed, so we will always get this information from a normal user.

Fer + Elijah, possible Luis disagree.

As I believe allowing anonymous Bug-Buddy crasher bugs caused a huge
increase in workload for the Bugsquad, I want the opinion of the
Bugsquad first (after that probably maintainers of the big products).

Because Bug-Buddy will use XML-RPC for this, we can take some steps to
avoid the extra workload. Some of the ideas have been mentioned on the
XML-RPC bugreport:
(very long bugreport now, has loads more detail than I can put in this

For instance Bug-Buddy could do:
1. Submit stracktrace automatically (to some function that will not
create a bug)
2. Determine on server if it has been fixed yet
3a. If fixed: Tell user, exit
3b. If needs_info: Ask user for info?
3c. If needs_contact: Ask user for info + require email address?
3d. If known: Increase some counter to show how often a crash is seen?
3e: If new crash: Ask user for info + email address?
4. Submit stuff again to create a bug (if needed)

3c would require an email address. Not sure about 3e.

Above requires a system to reject known fixed crashers. That would
system would be manually maintained by the developers of a project
using the 5 functions (as found by simple-dup-finder). The developer
would be able to specify an action to occur (saying it was fixed, needs
info, custom message, etc).

So if you look at lots of (Bug-Buddy) bugs.. would you appreciate
anonymous posts? Would 'steps to reproduce' be required?

(do not forget that anonymous will be Bug-Buddy crasher type only.. to
add comments on Bugzilla persons will need to create an account as usual)


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