Re: Reviving bug days

Le vendredi 24 juin 2005 �3:57 +0100, Andrew Sobala a �it :
> > What are the organiser's tasks? Maybe you want to put a few notes on
> our 
> > workspace on the Wiki about that.
> Choose a time, advertise it (bugsquad, gnome-love, gnome-list,
> footnotes, other?). If it's a targetted bug day, make sure you've got
> something that people can work through, eg. a tinyurl of bugs that
> need
> working on. Make sure you or other people are around on IRC to help
> newbies with getting involved. At least one person on IRC has
> privileges
> to create new bugsquadders (ie. can grant users editbugs and
> canconfirm)
> - this is something that bit us badly a couple of years back when it
> stopped being a Luis-only thing. He was on holiday :)
> It's the being-on-irc bit which takes time.
> Someone feel free to expand and wikify that if they want :) 




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