Re: gnome-panel 2.2, still maintained?

On Sun, 14 Nov 2004 13:43:36 -0600, Caleb Groom <caleb calebgroom com> wrote:
> Bug 158208.  It's a crasher in gnome-panel 2.2 with no debugging info
> and no steps to reproduce it.
> My original thought was mark as NEEDINFO and close in a month if it's
> not followed up.  But then I started to think about the version some
> more.  Even if the crasher were found, is 2.2 still maintained?

Good question.  It mainly depends on whether the crash still exists in
the current version.  If it does, and we can get steps to reproduce or
a decent stack trace, the maintainers would almost certainly look at
it.  The big problem is how much effort is it worth to try to find out
if it affects the current version--something that probably varies by
module.  Toward that end, I've been wanting to change the "GNOME1.X"
resolution to "OBSOLETE", and then have module maintainers specify in
the product specific guidelines in the triage guide which version of
bug reports should be marked as OBSOLETE in addition to Gnome 1.x
bugs.  (For example, the nautilus maintainers have such a heavy load
that they often won't bother with anything but the current stable and
unstable release; other maintainers with a lower bugload would
probably work with more versions)

Anyway, for now, I tend to just mark it as needinfo and be sure that I
ask the reporter if it happens under a recent version (i.e. currently
2.8.x)--and if it does, if they can get a stack trace with debugging
symbols or steps to cause the problem to occur reliably.

Hope that helps,

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