More dupes

105204 seems to be a dupe of:

63826 RESO galeon crashes when I press Enter in smart bookmark entry
65720 RESO I want to search on google over the intelligent bookmarks.
68793 RESO Crash when attempting to use Google panel search box
69511 RESO galeon crashes when using google bokkmarklet
69640 RESO google toolbar
69700 RESO Crash after search by inteligent bookmarks.
69845 RESO Galeon 1.0.2 Ximian, crashes when using the "google" searchb
70064 RESO Crash when I try to search google by the smart bookmark
70115 RESO galeon crashes with input of string with umlaut in the googl
71993 RESO crash use google smart bookmark
102775 RESO Galeon Crashing Under circunstances
104212 RESO gnome toolbar segfault
108942 RESO Tentative de recherche google àpartir de la barre des li

Except this one is version 1.2.7


119642 seems to be a dupe of 112440, except that 112440 seems to be lacking information

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