Re: gtop bugs

On Tue, 2003-03-04 at 18:32, Elijah P Newren wrote:
> I ran across an open gtop bug, asked in #bugs if it should be closed,
> was told by greg that gtop was really dead, and then luis asked me to
> email bugsquad.  Thus the reason you have received a little extra spam
> in your mailbox--don't you feel loved?
> So, what do we do with non-closed gtop bugs (which there appear to be
> around 21 of at the moment according to a simple query)?

So, what I'd like to do for GNOME1.4 stuff:

1) If it's a small module, and someone has time, review everything to
see if it is relevant to the GNOME2 version (in this case,

2) If not, well, then... depends. If it's not hurting anyone (see: gtop)
then we should probably ignore it. If it is cluttering queries and
making life harder on maintainers, then proceed to step (3) :)

3) Attach a note to the effect of:
[please don't quote this directly, it's not complete :)
[Oh, and probably I'm missing things here- I'd really love it if someone
could flesh this out to a more complete version and kick me for the
things I've missed. You may want to read:
for some opinions on this :)

*We don't support/work on GNOME1.4 anymore; if you'd like to volunteer
to coordinate new releases of GNOME1.4, feel free to contact

*We'd really, really love to go through these by hand, but we're
volunteers, and leaving them open makes life harder for developers by
making searching for current bugs much harder.

*So, we're mass closing. This is unfortunate, but it is much easier for
you to go through one bug than for us (with very limited resources) to
go through hundreds of bugs. So, if we've closed your bug but it is
still relevant, /please/ reopen it and if necessary assign it to the
new, relevant module. Free Software only works if volunteers like
yourself participate and help out. If you don't, we can't make the
software better. 

Anyway, like I said, I'd love to see this fleshed out for possible
inclusion in the bugsquad page's list of stock responses- hope someone
has the time. 

And then we can go through and slay lots of 1.4 bugs. ;)


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