So, I think I'm ready to bugday on Thursday :). But I'm pretty out of
touch with things, and I admit I'd currently have problems pointing
newbies to potential tracts of bugs. Can we discuss briefly some theme
(maybe GNOMEVER2.3 bugs, maybe GNOMEVER2.0's that should be fixed in
2.2/2.3, or something like that) that we can aim at on Thursday to get
people into it? I guess my gut feeling is to attack the GNOMEVER2.0s to
celebrate the one year anniversary of the release of 2.0. But I'm not
sure if that's the right thing to do or not- any suggestions are welcome
:) I'd like to send out an announce tomorrow, so...


P.S. Everyone should check out Fuzz's new stuff on developer.gnome.org-
he and Andrew have been working on getting it up and it's very cool.
(Modulo that d.g.o's background looks like it was very cool in 1997. ;)

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