Re: Documentation bugs

On Feb 14 Andrew Sobala opined: 

> Also, a doc bug is by definition "sev=Minor,pri=Normal" at best. It
> normally doesn't affect the software enough to be triaged above that.
> This means busy maintainers won't see them for a bit, since they may
> only be looking at sev=Normal/Major, or pri=High bugs.

A doc bug is by definition sev=Minor? pri=Normal? At best? 

Well, maybe I should tell you about the time a colleague of mine who wrote 
manuals for the aerospace industry wasn't told by the engineers when they 
decided to change the polarity of a cabin toggle switch at the last minute. Some 
scary nosedives later, the engineers decided to ask the writers first, before 
they made the slightest engineering changes. 

Or another colleague who wrote manuals for a new class of submarine in a Certain 
Large Navy. Very secret. Lots of funding, no expense spared. Please use lots of 
striking colors for the important bits. In due course, the submarines put to sea 
for sea trials. They turned off the generator lights, turned on the battery 
lights. And they couldn't read the important bits in the manuals. The writer had 
marked up important sections for the printer to highlight. The printer had 
highlighted the important sections in a color that was exactly the same 
wavelength as the underwater battery lights on the submarine. So the 
instructions became invisible. Now, there is a school of thought that says who 
needs instructions anyway (cry: EMACS!), but the Certain Large Navy didn't think 

God Bless a Certain Large Country. 


P.S. Oh, by the way, please let's keep the "doc" bugs with the applications, 
applets, and UI functionality. 

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