Re: Extended triage guide -- useful?

On Tue, 2003-04-29 at 21:36, Elijah P Newren wrote:
> Hi all,
> Between Jeff's recent gnomedesktop article ("Want to get involved, but
> need a hand?  at, and
> where there was an overwhelming request for more documentation),
> questions that I find myself answering often for new people, the wish I
> had when I got started that there was more documentation, and the things
> that I've picked up that I thought should go into a single place, I
> decided to make an extended triage guide.  It doesn't replace the
> current one at all, but rather links to it and then adds other
> information (examples of triaged bugs with explanations of the changes,
> pointers on how bugzilla works, answers to questions that a new person
> is likely to ask, etc.)  It turned out to take a lot longer than I
> anticipated (and being a little longer than I first envisioned), but I
> hope it's helpful.  Please take some time to read over it (or part of it
> if reading it all would take too much time) and send me fixes, changes,
> flames, links describing why my html sucks (which I'm certain that it
> does, but hey--it looks fine using Mozilla...), explanations of how I've
> been triaging bugs all wrong for the last eight months, and so forth.
> The link:
> Elijah
> Me (thinking out loud as I scan the guide once again): Should I include
> something in the bugzilla searches section about how bugzilla can croak
> if you try to specify too many things?

Thanks Elijah, that's great! I love the examples.

I can see why it's separate to the other triage guide - it's at a
different level - but some things in the "official" triage guide could
be rearranged to make what you've written fit in. Right now I don't have
time to do that, though adding a link shouldn't be too difficult...

Oh, and <html>, <head>, <body> etc. are quite useful in html documents

Andrew Sobala <aes gnome org>

"A freudian slip is when you say one thing but you mean your mother." -- unknown

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