Re: help!

On Wed, 2002-09-18 at 19:52, Havoc Pennington wrote:
> Hi,
> gnome-terminal has a ton of open bugs, and I'm despairing of ever
> fixing any, since I need to triage the mess first. I had a "169 OPEN
> BUGS WHAT THE FUCK" moment on IRC the other day. ;-)
> I'm pretty sure there are lots of:
>  - duplicates
>  - gnome 1.4 terminal bugs from bug-buddy
>  - stuff that should be reassigned to libzvt or vte
>  - bugs that are already fixed
> For any bug that involves terminal emulation (how characters are
> displayed, whether text input works, etc.) we need to establish vte or
> libzvt, whether it still happens with latest libzvt/vte, and move to
> vte or libzvt module.
> So a quick pass to mark duplicates, ask "vte or zvt?" in any case
> where it's unclear and ->NEEDINFO, ask "does this still happen?" on
> most of the others and ->NEEDINFO, and generally mop it up, would be
> really really helpful... if anyone feels up to it, I'd love help on
> this module in bugzilla.

I can take a whack at some of these.

John Fleck
jfleck inkstain net (h) jfleck abqjournal com (w)

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