Re: closing bounced needinfo bugs

>Hey, in my continued quest to get some traffic going on the bugsquad list 
>(sorry! :)), I figured i'd pass along what I was doing just in case it was 
>wrong... In my continued quest to kill the "spam" (bounced emails) bugmaster 
>gets, I've been going through the bounces. There have been several (4-5 now) 
>that have been bounces on needinfo'd bugs, implying the user will never get the 
>needinfo notification, and thus never add info. For those, I've been closing 
>the bug (irrespective of the product). Is this all good? Am I screwing thigs 

You need to be careful you don't close bugs that still exist - I'm doing the 
same thing here in Sun at the moment and am also finding a lot of bugs that 
either: (a) have no comments for ages or (b) have been imported to bugzilla from 
"unknown". In this case I try to recreate the bug and if I can't then I close it 
- in most cases the bug is fixed/not reproducible BUT there have been cases 
where the bug is still present. 


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