Re: HTTPS access to Bugzilla?

Luis Villa <louie ximian com> writes:

> And this is information they can't get from simply querying bugzilla
> and/or using other vulnerabilities to get at your password how[1]?

That's not an attack that I'm worried about.

> You're being (IMHO) overly paranoid about something that just isn't that
> important.

I'm being worried about passive eavesdropping, not active attacks.
You may consider it paranoid, but every conference they put the
collection of acquired passwords on the large screen in front of

I don't want to broadcast my password to anyone listening on the local
network.  I'm not worried about them going out of their way to break
Bugzilla to get my information; I'm worried about them reading it as
it travels across the local (shared) network.

> > I don't see how setting up https is much administrative overhead.  You
> > only need to set it up once then never touch it again.
> Because setting it up once is > 0, which is about how much time the
> admins have.

As I said, I'm willing to help set it up.

> Luis


       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL:    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
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