gnome-boxes-3.16.2 - "Libvirt KVM guest available: no"

After compiling gnome-boxes-3.16.2 from source, I am unable to get it to

Using "gnome-boxes --checks", the first problem is:

Boxes storage pool available: No

I can fix this with:

$ mkdir -p ~/.local/libvirt/images
$ virsh pool-define-as gnome-boxes dir - - - - ~/.local/libvirt/images

..but shouldn't gnome-boxes take care of this automatically?

I am unable to solve the next problem:

. Libvirt KVM guest available: no

..but qemu works fine if I use it directly.

Sure enough gnome-boxes will not load a local iso into a qemu virtual

$ gnome-boxes

** (gnome-boxes:31252): WARNING **: Using a file
(/usr/local/share/gnome-boxes/gnome-boxes-logos-db.xml) as a database
location is deprecated, use a directory instead

(gnome-boxes:31252): Boxes-WARNING **: wizard.vala:463: Incapable host

How do I make a libvirt kvm guest available to gnome-boxes?


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