Review situation for boxes

I just got pinged by zeenix to review some patches, and I will have a
look at them asap. But in general, I'm pretty busy with other stuff atm,
and will not have a lot of time to do reviews. It seems to me like the
current system where any change has to be reviewed is going to become
problematic with the current number of developers. 

Very few other gnome projects, including core things like glib and gtk+
have such strict review criteria, and I think its time to start thinking
about tweaking this. I think review is good and important, but for
maintainers to have to block on other maintainers to move forward on
non-critical changes is going to be problematic in the long term.

I think we need to change this to something more of a honor-system
thing, where changes to the unstable branch by maintainers can go in
unreviewed, at least for some types of changes. This is an app after
all, if something is problematic we can just revert it, there is no ABI
guarantees or anything.

Of course, changes to stable branches or changes that affect external
things like config files, etc should really require review.

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