Re: Status for the release


Thanks for writing this email! I mostly agree with this list of items, here
are a few comments:

On Tue, Aug 28, 2012 at 01:30:25PM +0200, Alexander Larsson wrote:
> One issue is that you can't change the ram/disk size during the install.
> I ran into issues where the default size of ram was to small to be able
> to install, and it doesn't always pick a disk size that is what I wanted
> either. This really needs to be implemented, and we even have a design
> for it:

Yup, I would have liked to have that for 3.4 already, only realized
recently that we had a full design for it, but didn't spend time working on
it :(

> Even worse is when the guest does *not* have the right drivers/guest to
> allow resizing.

Working on that... It's 2 extra patches (one per Windows version) on top of
the series in bug #679752, I need to test them a bit more since they seemed
to have a few issues last time I tried.

> I feel that I don't really have enough control over the virtual boxes.
> This has several aspects:
> * Its very hard to read out the state of the boxes in the icon view. Is
>   the machine turned off, or is it in some hibernated mode? If its
>   turned off the screenshot still may display a desktop with running
>   apps yet when you click it you start at the bios boot. We really need
>   to better convey the different non-running states.

Yep, agreed.

> * When I click a non-running box it may take quite some time to start
>   it, but there is no information about what is happening (restoring 
>   from hibernation, starting vm, authentication or whatnot). 
>   The design mockups in:
>   Shows a label in the toolbar during these phases which sounds like
>   a good way to give more feedback here.

These mockups are old ones I think (?), but a label, or a spinner on top of
the VM thumbnail would do the trick indeed.

> * Sometimes my boxes freeze or get into some weird state where I can't
>   do anything with them. In this case I would like to just force a
>   reboot or a power off, but there is nowhere in boxes where I can
>   currently do this. Instead I have to start virt-manager in order to
>   get control back over my vm.

There's a 'force shutdown' menu entry in the app menu when the VM is
maximized. Did you get in states where you could not even connect to it?
Side note: I seemed to remember from GUADEC that the designers said VM
control belonged somewhere in the VM properties, not in the app menu, but
Marc-André has no such memories, probably worth getting some confirmation
one way or the other ;)

> Its too easy to accidentally get the top-of-screen toolbar when in
> fullscreen mode. A lot of OSes have things at the top, like the
> gnome-shell hot corner or the unity menu-at-top. We need to make it
> harder to trigger this during normal VM use.

I think I've also seen a few times where I couldn't get it to show, small
bug that would be worth fixing if it can be reproduced.
I'd add to that that the search bar behaviour might need a bit of tweaking,
I've add it showing up when I didn't expect it to, or not disappearing when
I expected to, but I can't make a more accurate explanation for now, will
have to play some more. Minor polishing compared to the other issues

Thanks again for writing this email,


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