GNOME.Asia official announcement: GNOME.Asia Summit 2017 to be hosted in Chongqing China

Dear all,

Today, GNOME.Asia released an official announcement: GNOME.Asia Summit 2017 to be hosted in Chongqing China.
link of English version on is 
link of Chinese version is

I am Qixiang of Chongqing team, As the PM of this event, I proudly share this news with you, and and sincerely invite you to participate in it,it would be my great honor to win your interest in this event, GNOME.Asia Summit 2017 Chongqing is the 10th GNOME.Asia summit, we will try our best to make it a great summit event.

If any suggestions , please feel free to let me know, thank you


GNOME Foundation

GNOME.Asia committee

May 25, Chongqing, China

The GNOME.Asia Committee is proud to announce that the upcoming GNOME.Asia Summit 2017 will be hosted  in Chongqing, China on Oct 14-Oct 16.

The GNOME.Asia committee has decided on the city of Chongqing because it uniquely represents an important theme: open source without any restriction of time, space, or location. Chongqing is located in the southwest of Mainland China and is surrounded by mountains and rivers and used to be difficult to reach in ancient China.  Nowadays, however, Chongqing is a modern city well known for its IT industry as well as its leadership in the development of Western China which attracts more and more great minds and talents. Just as Chinese ancient poetry mentioned “No matter how high the mountain is, one can always ascend to its top”, there are a great many students and people interested in open source software and devote themselves in open source program no matter what difficulty they meet.

The Chongqing City, image licensed use by Sushiyico

The venue for this year’s GNOME.Asia Summit is Chongqing University, which is a key national university and a member of the “Excellence League”, located in Chongqing, Southwest China, cultivating tens of thousands of leading minds in the field of Technology. Chongqing University always welcomes open and free minds.

The image comes from Chongqing University

Organization of GNOME.Asia Summit 2017 will be carried out by Chongqing LUG ( and Linux Story (  and School of Software Engineering of Chongqing University(, Chongqing LUG is a very committed local team which has over 10 years of significant experience in organizing over 20 successful events.

GNOME.Asia Summit will provide great opportunities to learn and exchange ideas about free and open technologies as well as to meet and talk with other contributors and users face to face. GNOME.Asia Summit 2017 welcomes everyone to participate, have fun, and enjoy the event!

For more information about GNOME.Asia Summit 2017, please visit

For news contact, sponsorship or other further opportunities to cooperate, please contact

Anna Yin: anna yin chongqinglug org (English)
Qixiang Wen: bootingman chongqinglug org (Chinese)


GNOME.Asia 亚洲委员会

【2017年5月25日,重庆】经过几个月的慎重筛选和评议,GNOME基金会亚洲委员会(GNOME.Asia)很高兴在今天正式宣布:2017年的GNOME.Asia亚洲峰会举办权最终由中国西部城市重庆获得,此次峰会将于2017年10月14日到16日在重庆大学举办。这也是该会议继北京、越南胡志明、台北、印度班加罗尔、香港和韩国首尔、印尼雅加达后,我们首次选择中国西部城市作为大会举办地点,我们非常重视开源在中国的发展,也很看好其为中国软件行业和信息技术发展带来的崭新契机。重庆是一个非常美丽而特别的城市,充满热情和开放的魅力,开源在重庆也因为本地开源社群的努力有了良好的土壤和有力的团队,我们对重庆的这次峰会充满信心和期待,届时也会有关于 GNOME 的重要新闻在重庆发布,相信这会是一场非常精彩的开源盛会,请大家和我们一起共同拭目以待。

(重庆夜景,图片经 Sushiyico 授权使用)

本次GNOME.Asia Summit 2017 Chongqing 亚洲峰会的标识也在今天同步发布,由重庆团队吕琳洁设计师操刀设计,融汇了开源自由开放之含义、重庆山水火辣之特点、中国古典篆刻之风华于一体,展现了 GNOME 开源本质之余,也非常好地加入了在地文化的特色。

GNOME.Asia Summit 2017 亚洲峰会的官方网站是 ;中文新闻发布平台为; 届时有关本次大会的报名演讲、志愿者招募和观众注册入场也会在以上平台发布,敬请保持关注。

GNOME基金会亚洲委员会在2008年成立,旨在通过举办GNOME.Asia亚洲峰会在亚洲地区推广GNOME项目以及自由开源软件的理念。GNOME.Asia峰会与GUADEC峰会和 Boston峰会一起成为了GNOME基金会每年的全球三大活动。 GNOME.Asia Summit 2017 联合主办方为重庆开源社区( 和重庆大学软件学院 (。


关于 GNOME 项目
GNOME 是目前全球使用最广的开源图形桌面环境。和Linux一样,它也是一种全球志愿者协同开发的软件。人们如果在自己的台式电脑或笔记本上安装了GNU/Linux,那么大部分都会使用GNOME作为默认桌面环境。GNOME有以下特点:自由无障碍、免费、易用、国际化。

中文新闻联络人:闻其详 bootingman chongqinglug org
English PR Contact:Anna Yin anna yin chongqinglug org
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Wen Qixiang 聞其詳

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