ANNOUNCE: gtkmm 3.9.16

*** gtkmm

gtkmm 3.9/10 wraps GTK+ 3.9/10.

gtkmm stays in-sync with gtk+ by following the official GNOME release schedule:

*** Changes
(for 3.9.16 and some previous releases that I don't seem to have announced via email.)

3.9.16 (unstable):

* Added HeaderBar.
  (Juan Rafael García Blanco) Bug #708194
* Added ListBox and ListBoxRow,
  (Kjell Ahlstedt) Bug #708115
* Added PlacesSidebar.
  (Juan Rafael García Blanco) Bug #705642
* Added Stack and StackSwitcher,
  (Andrew Potter) Bug #704964
* Widget:
  * Make insert_action_group() public.
  (Murray Cumming)
  * Add remove_action_group()
  (Murray Cumming)

3.9.14 (unstable):

* Add SearchBar.
  (Juan Rafael Garcia Blanco)
* Button: Replace the icon_name ctor by set_image_from_icon_name().
  (Kjell Ahlstedt)  Bug #707791
* Scale: Constructor: Remove the default parameter value
  to avoid ambiguity.
  (Murray Cumming) Bug #707810 (cheshirekow)

* Window: Add set_opaque_region().
  (Murray Cumming)

* Add --make-patch option.
  (Kjell Ahlstedt)

* Update Visual Studio Projects
  (Chun-wei Fan)

3.9.12 (unstable):

* Button: Add constructor that takes an icon_name and size.
  (Murray Cumming)
* Entry: Add get/set_tabs() and property.
  (Murray Cumming)
* Label: Add get/set_lines() and property.
  (Murray Cumming)
* Add Revealer.
  (Juan R. García Blanco) Bug #705460
* Widget:
  - add get_scale_factor().
    (Murray Cumming)
  - Widget: Add drag_begin() that takes x and y coordinates.
    (Murray Cumming)

* Cursor: Wrap some new functions.
  (Murray Cumming)

3.9.10 (unstable):

* Device: Add get_position() that uses doubles.
  (Murray Cumming)
* Screen: Add get_monitor_scale_factor().
  (Murray Cumming)
* Window: Add get_scale_factor().
  Add get_device_position() taking doubles.
  Add create_similar_image_surface().
  (Murray Cumming)

* CellRendererPixbuf: Add the surface property.
  (Murray Cumming)
* Box: Add get/set_baseline_position() and property.
  (Murray Cumming)
* FileChooser: Add get_current_name().
  (Murray Cumming)
* Image: Add set(Cairo::Surface)
  (Murray Cumming)
* InfoBar: Add get/set_show_close_button() and
  the property.
  (Murray Cumming)
* IconInfo: Add load_surface() and get_base_scale().
  (Murray Cumming)
* IconTheme:  Add lookup_icon() method overloads that
  take a scale parameter.
  Add choose_icon() method overload that take a scale
  Add load_icon() method overload that takes a scale parameter.
  Add load_surface().
  (Murray Cumming) 
* Grid:
  - Add get/set_row_baseline_position()
  and get/set_baseline_row(), and baseline-row property.
  (Murray Cumming)
  - Add remove_row() and remove_column().
  (Murray Cumming) 
* Menu, MenuBar: Add constructors that take Gio::MenuModels.
  (Murray Cumming)
* Menu: Make attach_to_widget() public.
  (Murray Cumming)
* MenuShell: bind_model(): Add a method overload without the
  action_namespace parameter.
  (Murray Cumming)
* RadioToolButton: Fix set_group(). Add reset_group().
  (Kjell Ahlstedt)
* Widget Add get_preferred_height_for_width(),
  get_allocated_baseline() and get_valign_with_baseline().
  (Murray Cumming)
* Window: Add close().
  (Murray Cumming)

* Demos: Catch Glib::FileError from demo_find_file().
  (Kjell Ahlstedt)
* Demos: Add IconTheme demo.
  (Kjell Ahlstedt)

Murray Cumming
murrayc murrayc com

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