Lightning Talks 2010


The GUADEC organizing committee is delighted to announce that the call
for Lightning Talk (LT) papers has begun. The deadline is July 11,
2010 at 00:00 UTC.

Are you interested to be a part of this fast-paced and engaging event?
Send us your proposal! With the title of your LT as the subject line,
email us at: "lt AT guadec DOT org"

In your email please explain the following points:

 + a summary of your lightning talk
 + why should this talk be presented?
 + who are the targets/audience to address?
 + how is this related to GNOME?
 + any related information

You will receive a confirmation email after your proposal is received.

Thank you,

The GUADEC2010 team.

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TubalooNumber 01.688.420.1752

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