ANNOUNCE: Cheese 2.27.92 released

now lets see...

Greek cheese, Hungarian cheese, Bengali cheese, Arabic cheese, Bengali
India cheese, Serbian cheese, Turkish cheese, French cheese, Korean
cheese, Malayalam cheese, Gujarati cheese, Brazilian Portuguese cheese,
Updated Oriya cheese, Tamil cheese, Kannada cheese, Portuguese cheese⋅

mmmhhh.. im hungry!! ;)

what is it?
Take photos and videos with your webcam, with fun graphical effects

what's changed in 2.27.92?
  - Added/Updated Translations
    - ar, courtesy of Khaled Hosny
    - bn, courtesy of Loba Yeasmeen
    - bn_IN, courtesy of Runa Bhattacharjee
    - fr, courtesy of Claude Paroz
    - gu, courtesy of Sweta Kothari
    - hu, courtesy of Gabor Kelemen
    - kn, courtesy of Shankar Prasad
    - ko, courtesy of Changwoo Ryu
    - ml, courtesy of "Last-Translator: \n"
    - or, courtesy of Manoj Kumar Giri
    - pt, courtesy of Duarte Loreto
    - pt_BR, courtesy of Djavan Fagundes
    - sr, courtesy of Бранко Кокановић
    - sr latin, courtesy of Branko Kokanović
    - ta, courtesy of I. Felix
    - tr, courtesy of Baris Cicek
  - Added/Updated Documentation
    - el, courtesy of Μάριος Ζηντίλης

where can i get it?
you can get it by pressing here!

what does it look like?
take a look here!

where can i find out more?
you can visit the project web site:

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