Evince 2.29.1 released

* What is it ?

Evince is a document viewer.  It primarily displays pdf, though djvu,
tiff, dvi, impress slides, postscript and even comics archives are also 

More information can be found at http://www.gnome.org/projects/evince/

* Where to get it?

 sha256sum: 2cfada497bac83a194ed54fb13c883b66b8917132a14600806fd3aeb0d036eba
      size: 3.0M

 sha256sum: 6a21a7fc13c3e05caea8ba0b944f9f08ae44f2033c375dc5ba2a4fa264deee02
      size: 2.0M

* What's changed since 2.27.90?

New Features and UI Improvements:

    * Embed page setup settings in the print dialog (#591551, Marek
      Kašík, Carlos Garcia Campos)
    * A new tab has been added to properties dialog to show
    * information about the document license (#349173, Juanjo Marín,
      Carlos Garcia Campos)
    * Use different processes for every document opened. (#583680,
      #434966, #497388, #524633, #586087, Carlos Garcia Campos)
    * Use GVFS metadata instead of our own xml based
      implementation. (#586841, Carlos Garcia Campos)
    * When scrolling a page, move one screen leaving one line context
      to help to visually track the document as it moves. (#170871,
      Carlos Garcia Campos)
    * Use GtkInfoBar instead of GeditMessageArea for the message area
      (#592785, Carlos Garcia Campos)
    * EvPageCache has been splitted up into document part (moved to
      EvDocument which has been converted into an abstract class
      instead of an interface) and view part: EvDocumentModel. This
      allows to have more than one EvView for the same document, so
      that "Open a Copy" can be implemented without using the symlink
      hack. (#573641, Carlos Garcia Campos)

Bug fixes:

    * Several fixes and cleanups in comics backend (Christian Persch)
    * Don't exit with non-writable $HOME (Christian Persch)
    * Clean up temp file handling to make sure we can cope with not
      being able to create our temp directory (#595372, Christian Persch)
    * Set page orientation of each page when printing so that
      documents with mixed portrait/landscape pages print correctly
      (#599470, Adrian Johnson)
    * Preserve aspect ratio when scaling page for printing (#599468,
      Adrian Johnson)
    * Fix a crash when we don't have a DBUS connection (Christian Persch)
    * Make sure total_num_bytes > 0 before using it in progress
      callbacks (#597691, Carlos Garcia Campos)
    * Escape document URI before showing it in progress area (#597691,
      Carlos Garcia Campos)
    * Fix a crash due to an uninitialized variable (#597154, Carlos
      Garcia Campos)
    * Fix a crash when there are form field widgets active during
      rotation (#593316, Carlos Garcia Campos)
    * Remarks the selected thumbnail after rotation (#595548, Juanjo Marín)
    * Don't change current page when rotating documents with different
      page sizes (#595704, Carlos Garcia Campos)
    * Fix thumbnails rotation when loading a rotated document
      (#595718, Carlos Garcia Campos)
    * Save images as png or jpg when the filename has no extensions
      (#595079, Patrick Ammann)
    * Populate destination page when reloading the document (#570054,
      Fernando Herrera)

Translation updates:

    * Khaled Hosny (ar)
    * Astur (ast)
    * Krasimir \"Bfaf\" Chonov (bg)
    * Runa Bhattacharjee (bn_IN)
    * Gil Forcada (ca)
    * Marek Černocký (cs)
    * Kenneth Nielsen (da)
    * Mario Blättermann (de)
    * Kostas Papadimas (el)
    * Philip Withnall (en_GB)
    * Jorge González (es)
    * Ivar Smolin (et)
    * Iñaki Larrañaga Murgoitio (eu)
    * Tommi Vainikainen (fi)
    * Claude Paroz (fr)
    * Antón Méixome (gl)
    * Sweta Kothari (gu)
    * Gabor Kelemen (hu)
    * Andika Triwidada (id)
    * Francesco Marletta (it)
    * Shushi Kurose (ja)
    * Shankar Prasad (kn)
    * Changwoo Ryu (ko)
    * Gintautas Miliauskas (lt)
    * Sangeeta Kumari (mai)
    * Ani Peter (ml)
    * Sandeep Shedmake (mr)
    * Kjartan Maraas (nb)
    * Reinout van Schouwen (nl)
    * Manoj Kumar Giri (or)
    * A S Alam (pa)
    * Piotr Drąg (pl)
    * André Gondim (pt_BR)
    * Duarte Loreto (pt)
    * Lucian Adrian Grijincu (ro)
    * Matej Urbančič (sl)
    * Miloš Popović (sr latin)
    * Милош Поповић (sr)
    * Daniel Nylander (sv)
    * Dr.T.Vasudevan (ta)
    * Krishna Babu K (te)
    * Theppitak Karoonboonyanan (th)
    * Baris Cicek (tr)
    * Maxim Dziumanenko (uk)
    * Aron Xu (zh_CN)
    * Chao-Hsiung Liao (zh_HK)
    * Chao-Hsiung Liao (zh_TW)

Carlos Garcia Campos
PGP key: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x523E6462

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