* What is it ? ============== Evince is a document viewer. It primarily displays pdf, though djvu, tiff, dvi, impress slides, postscript and even comics archives are also supported. More information can be found at http://www.gnome.org/projects/evince/ * Where to get it? ==================== http://download.gnome.org/sources/evince/2.28/evince-2.28.2.tar.gz sha256sum: 8f11eee9b02c10e7897bb22e2022eb3f0961b1cee2072c8272208e02cfaea7aa size: 3.0M http://download.gnome.org/sources/evince/2.28/evince-2.28.2.tar.bz2 sha256sum: 1c592a978db9951aacdc848c87fa6c2f63216c097669efddf75013b97e5af72b size: 2.0M * What's changed since 2.28.1? =============================== Bug fixes: * Make sure view is redrawn as soon as current page is rendered (#601433, Carlos Garcia Campos) * Set page orientation of each page when printing (#599470, Adrian Johnson) * Preserve aspect ratio when scaling page for printing (#599468, Adrian Johnson) Documentation fixes: * Make series ID unique (#599726, Christian Persch) Translation updates: * Nils-Christoph Fiedler (nds) -- Carlos Garcia Campos PGP key: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x523E6462
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