ANNOUNCE: osm-gps-map 0.3

Hi Everyone,

I am pleased to announce version 0.3 of osm-gps-map, a library, and python bindings for displaying raster map data from a variety of different sources.

Where to Get It

What is New
    * A new major contributor, Alberto Mardegan, who worked on many of the new features of this release. Thanks a lot Alberto!
    * Draw map tracks with Cairo by default.
    * Interpolate between zoom levels while waiting for a tile to download.
    * Stop using GET_PRIVATE, and cache priv* for performance.
    * Keep an extra border of images offscreen for smoother scrolling at the edges of the map.
    * Keep the last N tiles in memory to improve render performance (previously they were loaded from disk)
    * Add some new api; osm_gps_set_center, osm_gps_map_scroll.

What Is It
osm-gps-map is a Gtk+ widget (and Python bindings) that when given GPS co-ordinates, draws a GPS track, and points of interest on a moving map display. It Currently supports a number of different mapping sources;

    * openstreetmap (default)
    * openaerialmap
    * maps-for-free
    * satellite maps from a number of proprietary providers

It also has the following features;

    * Intelligent caching of maps, including the ability to request a specific area of the map to be cached ahead of time
    * Recording of points of interest on the map (and the ability to add arbitary pixmaps at those points
    * Automatically draws a GPS track (a line showing the history of past added points)
    * Automatic centering on new GPS points
    * Support for multiple other tracks of co-ordinate points
    * Adjustable Zoom
    * Includes a comprehensive example
    * Simple, flat API

John Stowers

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