Evince 2.23.4 released

* What is it ?

Evince is a document viewer.  It primarily displays pdf, though djvu,
tiff, dvi, impress slides, postscript and even comics archives are also 

More information can be found at http://www.gnome.org/projects/evince/

* Where to get it ?

  md5sum: ea989479e8bd3a2feb8c289eaf88c519
 sha1sum: 73cad66a0d410ab368ed72ad6eb099ad5f62ce89
    size: 2.4M

  md5sum: 4e353edd6481f67ee534a40d4b7f3b8c
 sha1sum: 4bc30b8b2ef126d1d230ff35d39dbc2c0d33afba
    size: 1.6M

* What's changed?

New Features and UI Improvements:

    * A warning message is shown in the message area when the document
      has no pages (#171588, Carlos Garcia Campos)
    * Automaticly reload the document when the file has changed on
      disk (#304249, Carlos Garcia Campos)
    * Added Ctrl-Insert keybinding for copying text and Ctrl+N for
      opening a copy (#526523, #532239, Carlos Garcia Campos)
    * Save as action has been added as a toolbar button too. (Abhishek Mukherjee)
    * Primary selection is also updated when copying a link address
      (#520855, Carlos Garcia Campos)
    * Added GtkMountOperation, copied from gtk+. (Carlos Garcia Campos)
    * GS code has been removed, libspectre is now required to build the
      PostScript backend. (Carlos Garcia Campos)

Bug fixes:

    * Fixed a crash when opening documents with no pages
      (#537574, Carlos Garcia Campos)
    * Fixed a crash when running in debug mode (Daniel M. German)
    * Fixed a crash in impress backend (#530852, Hans Petter Jansson)
    * Improved error handling in djvu backend (#530202, Carlos Garcia Campos)
    * Do not use the pixbuf backend for rendering tiff documents when
      the tiff backend is available (#520290, Carlos Garcia Campos)
    * Fixed T1 font rendering in dvi backend (#536883, Mattias Nissler)
    * Other bugs fixed: #533323, #533897, #533896, #534493, #537535


    Matthias Drochner, Frederic Peters, Cosimo Cecchi

Translation updates:

    * Djihed Afifi (ar)

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