Hey Everyone!
I am proud to announce that Conduit 0.3.14 is now available for download from:
It is the first to (finally) feature GIO and Webkit support. Distributors are advised to check
http://www.conduit-project.org/wiki/0.3.14 for packaging and dependency information.
What is it?
Conduit is a synchronization application for GNOME. It allows you to synchronize your files, photos, emails, contacts, notes, calendar data and any other type of personal information and synchronize that data with another computer, an online service, or even another electronic device.
Conduit manages the synchronization and conversion of data into other formats.
For example, Conduit allows you to;
* Synchronize your Tomboy notes with another computer
* Synchronize your your PIM data to your mobile phone, iPod,
Nokia Internet tablet, or between computers
* Upload photos to Flickr, Picasa, SmugMug, ShutterFly and your iPod,
* ... and many more
Any combination you can imagine, Conduit will take care of the conversion
and synchronization.
Where can I find out more?
* Website:
http://www.conduit-project.org/ * Screenshots/Screencast:
* Mailing List:
http://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/conduit-list * Bugs:
What's New?
* Merge improved iPod support by Alexandre Rosenfeld. This was implemented as
part of GSOC08 and features
* Improved audio/video transcoding using GStreamer
* Support Webkit web browser
* Support GIO
Bugs Fixed:
* Fixed #510279, Support iPod Music (Alexandre Rosenfeld)
* Fixed #526423, Use Gstreamer for Sound/Video conversion (Alexandre Rosenfeld)
* Fixed #545464, conduit can't be started up without bash (Christian Schlotter)
* Fixed #545824, Error Synchronizing in Picasa when the album doesn't exists (Manuel J. Garrido)
* Fixed #546478, Firefox directory is not found on Gentoo (Christian Schlotter)
* Fixed #547600, Banshee playlist icon (John Stowers)
* Fixed #547604, Don't draw treeview lines (John Stowers)
* Fixed #547615, No splashscreen needed (John Stowers)
* Fixed #547617, Fix Evolution dataprovider icons (John Stowers)
* Fixed #547618, About item in tray icon (John Stowers)
* Fixed #548404, Three typos: N800 photo module, File dataprovider and Dataprovider (Christian Schlotter)
* Fixed #548959, No module named MediaFile (Michael Monreal)
* Fixed #548960, Deal with missing pygst better (John Stowers)
* Fixed #548974, Window icon for preferences and config dialogs (John Stowers)
* Fixed #548989, PicasaTwoWay ignores configured picture resize (Antonio G)
* Fixed #549750, tries to sync from f-spot to evolution address book (John Stowers)
* Fixed #549751, tries to sync f-spot to tomboy (John Stowers)
* Updated fi: Timo Jyrinki
* Updated ar: Djihed Afifi <
djihed gmail com>
* Updated pl: Tomasz Dominikowski
* Updated es: Jorge Gonzalez
Manual Translations:
* Updated fr: Claude Paroz
* Updated de: Christian Kirbach
What Can Conduit Do:
For a list of all the services that conduit supports see
http://www.conduit-project.org/wiki/SyncStatusConduit can perform one-way and two-synchronization (and conversion/transcoding)
of data between locations. In one-way sync/export conduit will only replace
exising data if the new copy has been modified. It can also optionally delete
data if the original has been deleted.
Conduit has a complete DBus interface to allow other application authors to
use Conduit to perform the synchronization and export tasks of their
31 August 2008
Conduit team