cheese 2.22.1

bug-free as always and super fresh: the new cheese version!

what is it?
Take photos and videos with your webcam, with fun graphical effects

what's changed in 2.22.1?
  - cheese crashed while initializing webcam on some devices, fixes bug #522143, courtesy of Alex Rostovtsev
  - cheese did not list its gnome-vfs dependency, fixes bug #522152, courtesy of Alex Rostovtsev
  - cheese did not open the webcam device set in gconf, courtesy of Sjoerd Simons, fixes bug #522198
  - cheese crashed if getting information from a webcam fails, courtesy of Sjoerd Simons, fixes bug #522197
  - set the max waiting time for detecting a camera to 10 seconds, fixes bug #520394
  - do not allow to take pictures, while the webcam is initialising, fixes bug #523121
  - show our fancy countdown widget by default
  - added/updated translations
    - el, courtesy of Nick Paraschou
    - es, courtesy of Jorge González
    - et, courtesy of Ivar Smolin and Mattias Põldaru
    - nn, courtesy of Eskild Hustvedt
    - ru, courtesy of Vasiliy Faronov
    - vi, courtesy of Nguyễn Thái Ngọc Duy

where can i get it?
you can get it by pressing here!

what does it look like?
take a look here!

regards, daniel

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