gnoMint 0.3.1 released

I'm pleased to announce the 0.3.1 version of gnoMint: a graphical
Certification Authority managing tool.

This version add some useful features to 0.1.5 version:

      * gnoMint can export PKCS#12 structures, so certificates created
        in the program can be easily imported by other programs as web
        browsers, or mail clients..
      * gnoMint is able to revoke certificates, and generate the
        corresponding Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs).
      * The license has changed to GNU-GPLv3.

It also fixes some nasty bugs:
      * Now, it compiles perfectly in x86-64 architecture, after fixing
        thousands of type casting errors.
      * All the certificates were being created using 0 as serial
        number. Now, the internal serial number of each certificate is
        correctly established.

About gnoMint:

gnoMint is a tool for an easy creation and management of Certification
Authorities. It allows a fancy visualization of all the pieces that
conform a CA: x509 certificates, CSRs, CRLs...

Currently, it allows the creation of CAs, CSRs and Certificates, and
export both public and private parts of them into PEM formatted files.
It manages the revocation of the created certificates, as well as the 
creation of CRLs.

gnoMint is now perfectly usable for managing a CA that emits
certificates able to:
* Authenticate people or machines in VPNs (IPSec or other protocols);
* Secure HTTP communications with SSL/TLS secured web servers;
* Authenticate and cipher HTTP communications through web-client
* Sign and/or crypt e-mails

For compiling it, its dependencies are:
* GTK+
* Gnome
* SQLite 3
* libGnuTLS 1.6

More information in

You can get the tarball from sourceforge mirrors:

Please send bugs, comments and/or questions to our mailing list:
gnomint-users lists sourceforge net
David Marín Carreño <davefx gmail com>

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