ANNOUNCE: Empathy 0.6

Empathy 0.6 is now available for download from:

22893f1b97ceb540f9bffcfe6dd68369  empathy-0.6.tar.gz
d8b51a02718f4e28a9916d54f3a9a3c0  empathy-0.6.tar.bz2

What is it?
Empathy consists of a rich set of reusable instant messaging widgets,
and a GNOME client using those widgets. It uses Telepathy and Nokia's
Mission Control, and reuses Gossip's UI. The main goal is to permit
desktop integration by providing libempathy and libempathy-gtk
libraries. libempathy-gtk is a set of powerful widgets that can be
embeded into any GNOME application.

Where can I find out more?
You can visit the project web site:

What's New?
 - Join room when clicking on favorite rooms.
 - Do not restore away presence message when coming back after the user
   manually to away.
 - Set parent window when poping a new window/dialog.
 - Implement favorite chatroom menu.
 - Do not highlight contacts already known when creating the contact
 - Do not set status message to "Extended autoaway", let user's message
 - Many bugs and leaks fixed.

Bugs Fixed:
- Fixed #442639, Crashed after switching to Away (Xavier Claessens)


Manual Translations:

01 June 2007
Empathy team

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