2004-June Archive by Thread
Messages are ordered newest-to-oldest in this index. The newest
threads will be at the top of this page, the oldest will be at the bottom.
Within a single thread, the first mail note is the START of the
thread; the notes following that are in the chronological order of
when they were received. So globally, newest messages are at the top,
but within a thread, the oldest (the start of the thread) is at the
If you think about it, it is confusing. Just go with the flow and everything will be all right.
ANNOUNCE: Glom 0.8.4,
Murray Cumming
The GNOME System Tools version 0.34.0 "The most expensive beer in the world" have been released.,
[ANNOUNCE] Gazpacho 0.1.0 released,
Lorenzo Gil Sanchez
ANNOUNCE: GNOME Terminal 2.7.3,
Mariano Suárez-Alvarez
ANNOUNCE: ooo-build-1.1.60,
Michael Meeks
ANNOUNCE: fewnn 0.1,
Loren Bandiera
ANNOUNCE: libxklavier 1.03,
Sergey V. Udaltsov
ANNOUNCE: Gtk2-Perl 2.7.3,
Torsten Schoenfeld
ANNOUNCE: GNOME 2.6.2 Desktop and Developer Platform,
Kjartan Maraas
intltool 0.31 is available,
Kenneth Rohde Christiansen
ANNOUNCE: Evolution Connector for ExchangeIt,
William Lachance
gedit 2.6.2 released,
Paolo Borelli
rhythmbox 0.8.5,
Colin Walters
ANNOUNCE: Gossip 0.7.6,
Mikael Hallendal
ANNOUNCE: GNOME Phone Manager 0.4,
Edd Dumbill
ANNOUNCE: gnubiff 1.4.0,
Nicolas Rougier
gnome-games 2.6.2,
Callum McKenzie
ANNOUNCE: Conglomerate-0.7.14 Released,
ANNOUNCE: WoodPusher 0.1,
Jamin Philip Gray
Fwd: SLgtk 0.5.9 and Vwhere 1.2.2 released,
Michael Noble
ANNOUNCE: Hydrogen 1.0 [First Release],
Henry Jia
ANNOUNCE: Glom 0.8.3,
Murray Cumming
ANNOUNCE: Conglomerate 0.7.13,
ANNOUNCE: Liferea 0.5.0,
Lars Lindner
ANNOUNCE: gtkglextmm 1.1.0,
Naofumi Yasufuku
ANNOUNCE: Glom 0.8.2,
Murray Cumming
ANNOUNCE: GNOME Phone Manager 0.3 development release,
Edd Dumbill
ANNOUNCE: gtkmm and glibmm 2.4.3,
Murray Cumming
ANNOUNCE: Muine 0.6.3,
Jorn Baayen
ANNOUNCE: gnome-bluetooth 0.5.1 & libbtctl 0.4.1 development releases,
Edd Dumbill
First release of gamin-0.0.1,
Daniel Veillard
[ANNOUNCE] Sixteenth release of PythonCAD now available,
Art Haas
[ANNOUNCE] Fifteenth release of PythonCAD now available,
Art Haas
GNOME Development Release 2.7.2,
Jeff Waugh
ANNOUNCE: GENIUS 0.6.1 the "So is GRH proven or isn't it?" release,
ANNOUNCE: Gtk2-Perl 2.6.2,
Torsten Schoenfeld
ANNOUNCE: GNOME CPU Frequency Scaling Monitor 0.2,
Carlos Garcia Campos
GNOME Network Tool 0.99.1,
Rodrigo Moya
Epiphany Extensions 0.9.1,
Christian Persch
Epiphany 1.2.6,
Christian Persch
Alexandria 0.2.0,
Laurent Sansonetti
ANNOUNCE: Glom 0.8.1,
Murray Cumming
ANNOUNCE: gob2 2.0.8 the "-o is cool" release,
ANNOUNCE: GDM (stable), the "The evil that is the blinking cursor" release,
Guikachu 1.5.0: GNOME Resource editor for PalmOS projects,
ERDI Gergo
GTK+-2.4.3 released,
Matthias Clasen
ANNOUNCE: System schedule configurator 0.0.1,
Philip Van Hoof
Announcement: system-config-schedule 0.0.1 is ready.,
Gaute Hope
ANNOUNCE: Gnomoradio 0.13,
Jim Garrison
ANNOUNCE: gnome-bluetooth 0.5 & libbtctl 0.4 development releases,
Edd Dumbill
GOK 0.11.4 is here!,
David Bolter
Librcoco 0.6.0 "Crashing software keeps us away from freedom zero",
Dodji Seketeli
libgda/libgnomedb 1.1.4 released,
Rodrigo Moya
gnopernicus 0.9.5,
remus draica
ANNOUNCE: Java-Gnome 2.7.2,
Jeffrey Morgan
Guikachu 1.4.1: GNOME Resource editor for PalmOS projects,
ERDI Gergo
ANNOUNCE: GNOME War Pad 0.3.0,
Lucas Di Pentima
ANNOUNCE: GNOME Terminal “echo -e '\e#8'” 2.7.2,
Mariano Suárez-Alvarez
ANNOUNCE: gcalctool - v4.4.8,
Rich Burridge
ANNOUNCE: gnome-games 2.7.3,
ANNOUNCE: libgdamm 1.3.4,
Murray Cumming
ANNOUNCE: Bakery 2.3.5,
Murray Cumming
ANNOUNCE: Glom 0.8.0,
Murray Cumming
ANNOUNCE: gtkmm 2.2.12,
Murray Cumming
ANNOUNCE: gtkmm and glibmm 2.4.2,
Murray Cumming
ANNOUNCE: Muine 0.6.2,
Jorn Baayen
GTK+-2.4.2 released,
Matthias Clasen
GLib-2.4.2 released,
Matthias Clasen
ANNOUNCE: ooo-build-1.1.59,
Michael Meeks
GNOME Development Release 2.7.1,
Jeff Waugh
Ruby/GtkTrayIcon 0.1.0,
Laurent Sansonetti
ANNOUNCE: Gnomoradio 0.12.2,
Jim Garrison
RELEASE: gnome-media 2.7.1,
Thomas Vander Stichele
libgda/libgnomedb 1.1.3 released,
Rodrigo Moya
Mail converted by MHonArc